The Awesome Thing About Betting On Yourself as a Freelance Side-Gig (or Fulltime) Copywriter

Sep 29, 2024

Here’s what happens when you take easy steps to START betting on yourself  ...

Right this minute, and every day that you can (without getting harsh or judgmental on yourself), what if you were betting on yourself with my course Side-Gig Copywriter in 6 Days?

I'll tell you what will happen ...

But first notice this: You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to commit to a perfect morning routine every day. Or a perfectly committed routine after work every day.

No one is calling roll.

No one is evaluating you. (You're your own boss here!) 

No one is judging you. It's just a daily opportunity, not a daily obligation, to bet on yourself. 

You can just kindly and gently invite yourself to bet on yourself. Each day.

Some days you’ll do it. Some days you won’t. It's the same with everyone. No big deal when you don't.

But check this out: each day you do bet on yourself in light, good enjoyment, you change yourself. You make good things happen. You'll accumulate your step-by-step fast progress, taught in detail in the course. You'll get a gig. You'll get paid. You'll feel awesome about those first few gigs and payments. It's life-changing when you experience the first one -- no matter how small or large the payment. 

These good things will give you momentum. Will give you an emotional lift. And so you’ll do them more often.

And then you’ll really be betting on yourself – and winning – most days, most of the time.

Here’s what I’ve seen happen when you finally bet on yourself day by day…


✨You see how being your own SIDE-GIG boss adds enormous financial stability and confidence. You can give yourself a raise – temporarily or permanently. You can decide the size of the raise.

✨You’re able to say “YES” to more vacations. You have more money. You have more security.

✨You’re able to say “YES” to more luxuries (or necessities!) that you and your family want (or need!)

✨You’re proud of the work you do

✨You realize you don’t have to “put yourself out there” all over the Internet in order to be successful. You only have to follow the simple jumpstart methods I show you. You can fly mostly under the radar at UpWork and elsewhere.

✨You can one day confidently quit your job, if you make the easy transition from side-gig copywriting to full-time copywriting. (It’s simple – just do what I teach 5 hours a day instead of only 5 hours a week.)

✨You realize you don’t have to figure this out alone. My course spells out the steps. And I reply personally to every student question.

✨You see results FAST, by using my “work smarter not harder” jumpstart methods

✨You’re no longer wondering “what if”

✨You’re no longer wondering “What should I do?”, “What should I do first?”, “How much should I charge for this or that?”, or a thousand other “keeping-you-stuck” questions. My course, and my full availability as your teacher, gets all such questions answered fast.


Side-Gig Copywriter in 6 Days is the least-expensive and best proven path that’s helped scores of no-experience copywriters learn exactly how to create lucrative side-gig freelance writing careers – in literally 6 days or less.

(And if you want to take things full time, that's simple – just do what I teach 5 hours a DAY instead of 5 hours a WEEK.)

So do this for yourself: Take the small step of buying the course!

Or else dive back into it if you’ve already bought it and have been letting it slide.

Here’s WHY:

  1. So you can earn a full-time income RATE in part-time hours.
    - 5 hours a week = part time income (at just $50/hour, that’s about an extra $1,000 per month or $12,000 per year) (Never charge less than $50/hour, even as a newbie. It's simply not necessary when you follow my methods for approaching clients.) 
    - 25 hours a week = full time income (at just $50/hour, that’s $62,500 over 50 weeks of work – which is allowing for two whole weeks of pure vacation per year! Not to mention, you can work from anywhere. Which can mean, you know it -- multiple working vacations throughout the year)
  2. So you can spend more hours of more days doing what you really love.

... Because life is too lovely, too full of opportunity for fulfillment and connection and love, to limit your income when you don’t have to! Or to work too hard and too long for the money you need! 

 Jump in. The water is warm. And it's full of clients who need copywriting right now. 





Start earning $50 to $100 per hour. In just 6 days. Even as a newbie copywriter.  It's easy: 

  1. See what you get in my  groundbreaking course, Side-Gig Copywriter in 6 Days. 
  2. Rapidly learn easy copywriting formulas AND my 5-minute gig-landing method. 
  3. Start earning $50 to $100 per hour.
See Everything You Get in the Course

Don't let naysayers keep making you miss out on $50 to $100 per hour gigs. 

In my newsletter, you'll learn up-to-date secrets and inside info on how side-gig copywriting for big hourly bucks actually works today. 


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