Biggest Copywriting Trend of 2024? Not AI. It's this other thing.

Apr 05, 2024

The biggest trend for copywriting this Second Quarter of 2024 is not AI. It's this other thing ...

All my current and all of my new clients, without exception, are asking for this OTHER thing:


All my established and new clients are asking for (and getting) 100% Human Copywriting. Here's why:

They're asking for 100% human copywriting. Can you guess why? Here are some market-based, conversion-based, revenue-based reasons:

1. AI can only recycle and regurgitate. It's literally based on decades of what people have written. That's why it all sounds the same. Sounding the same as everyone else is a one-way ticket to irrelevance, low revenue, and business death.

2. AI can't create much emotion through words because it can't feel emotion. AI-written copy cannot get leads, conversions, or revenue very well because people reading it can't feel the emotions they need in order to say "Yes" to the offer.

3. AI insanely repeats "seamlessly integrates" as if it's keyword spamming that phrase. Why, AI? Why?
So that's the new trend. Same as the old reliable trend -- human copy. It's comforting. It's highly lucrative for copywriters -- even newbies are better than AI.


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