6-Figure Full Time Freelance Copywriting? Or Side-Gigging? You don't have to choose.

May 05, 2024

Achieving a six-figure income through full-time freelancing in copywriting is eminently attainable with the right approach.

The first, very easy step in this journey is side-gigging.

You don't need to take a massive course costing thousands. You don't need business cards (as if it's 1999!). You don't need a website. You just need an UpWork or Fiverr account. 

And that's ALL you need for either aiming at a 6-figure full time income or a very lucrative side-gig that you can turn on and turn off on any given day, at will. 

By starting with freelance projects alongside a primary job, you can find gigs and build a client base without the pressure of relying solely on freelance income.

Side-gigging provides a low-risk environment to learn step-by-step how to find, land, and complete well-paying freelance writing gigs.

One common mistake to avoid: Never accept less than $50 per hour -- or at lowest, $45. I might even say $70 as a minimum. Go lower than $50 and it really affects how potential clients see you. Set your public rate high -- $70 to $100 on UpWork. You can always bid lower (or higher) for individual gigs as you approach them. (But again, I repeat because newbies often have difficulty digesting and accepting this crucial advice: Never bid less than $50/hour, or at absolutely rock bottom lowest $45/hour.) 

Not interested in transitioning to 6-figure full-time freelancing? Then you're also golden. You can pick and choose side-gig income right now, and for years to come. 




Start earning $50 to $100 per hour. In just 6 days. Even as a newbie copywriter.  It's easy: 

  1. See what you get in my  groundbreaking course, Side-Gig Copywriter in 6 Days. 
  2. Rapidly learn easy copywriting formulas AND my 5-minute gig-landing method. 
  3. Start earning $50 to $100 per hour.
See Everything You Get in the Course

Don't let naysayers keep making you miss out on $50 to $100 per hour gigs. 

In my newsletter, you'll learn up-to-date secrets and inside info on how side-gig copywriting for big hourly bucks actually works today. 


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